Wednesday Windows #16 – Yellow Ochre

Wednesday Windows #16 – Yellow Ochre

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I’ve featured the Schönbrunn Palace countless times and I won’t tire…hope you don’t too. For the nine years that I have been in the city, there’s no year that I would visit and it’s always a pleasure no matter the season. Last month, a friend got married and I had the privilege to take the photos for the ceremony, we then went to the palace grounds to do more shots.

schönbrunn palace window, Yellow Ochre
Being renovated.

I went back last week as my daughter’s class had a special tour inside the palace, we were shown how the Rococo palace was when the emperors and empresses lived there. That’s extending from Empress Maria Theresa to her children and grandchildren. Most notable among the children was Franz Joseph I, who was born and who died in the palace,  was Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary among many titles for 68 years. Marie Antoinette was her daughter as well.

Though the palace is partly being renovated, we were still able to see the grandeur of the lives spent by royalty there…mind you, this is just their summer palace. 🙂 There were 1,441 rooms…I think we went to about 20 only. ^_^ Taking photos inside the palace is prohibited, so I will vividly describe how it is inside on my next post.

The kids though a bit bored at first kept showing interest as our guide explained this and that…the gold-plated walls, the beautifully arranged tables and chairs, the paintings of all the children who prefer having gray hair all the time. They had fun dressing up in robes and I had fun photographing them as well.

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