Wednesday Windows #15 – Us

Wednesday Windows #15 – Us

Congratulations Jessica ! You won 5$ from last week’s pool!  Join us today to win 5$ too!

The hubby and I went camwhoring in Prague when the kids said they would just stay with the grandparents at the restaurant than go about walking and enduring the heat.  We went inside the compound of the St.Vitus Cathedral shared with the Prague Castle.

Wednesday Windows

We were there for almost a full hour and it was really tiring, so when we got the chance to sit down, we took turns taking a photo of each other sitting on the edges of a bench. Interestingly, the windows were on each side of where we were sitting too!

To join us, simply post a photo of a door or window and let us know where it was taken. Link up to this blog. Win 5$ too if you join this week!

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