Wednesday Windows #14 – Sale

Congratulations once again Imriz! You won 5$ from last week’s pool! 🙂 Join us today to win 5$ too!

I’m a self-proclaimed bargain-magnet…if there’s such a thing. I seldom go out to shop and when I do I chance upon items on sale and at a time that they’re really needed. What’s more exciting is I get them from 50% to 70% off…such  rip off! We’re talking shoes, tops, pants, skirts, shoes and shoes….oh I just love shoes! Come June there’d be more of inventory sales and I hope I got the money to spend then. ^_^

window sale
Time to Shop! – Vienna

To join us, simply post a photo of a door or window and let us know where it was taken. Link up to this blog. Win 5$ too if you join this week!

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