When Holiday Accident Happens

Prague train station and a broken arm :/

The biggest disappointment you can encounter while on vacation can come in many forms; you can get stranded somewhere, your luggage could get lost, your items could be stolen or damaged, your trip could be cut short, worst; you could fall ill or have an accident. This is why it is advisable to get a travel insurance especially those who are frequent travelers.

While it is best to contact your travel agency immediately if unforeseen circumstance is met, you can also make use of these following advice on a holiday accident:

Make notes. Write down details – address of the place where accident occurred or where it is nearest. If you are involved in a car accident, take note of the registration number, model and color of vehicle involved.

Take photos. You’re a traveler so it’s most probable you have a camera with you, take photos of the place, anything as proof of accident in case you would want to file a holiday claim later on.

Get examined. See a doctor as soon as you can. This is most advisable if food poisoning is involved.

Report Accident or Illness. Soon. Some policies have a limit for reporting such instances, make sure you do yours promptly.

Travel insurance company policies could be diverse and are implemented differently in each countries. There are also travel companies that accept holiday claims. There are those that will refund the full cost of your holiday in some cases. You just have to look for one with the best policies. — You can get stranded somewhere without a refund when your holiday company goes bankrupt. You can fall asleep and have your luggage stolen (saw this happened once). You could end up paying a lot if you fall ill or have an accident while abroad especially if you don’t have a travel insurance so it is always best to have one.

At Prague's main train station
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