My 7 Super Shots (within Austria)

My 7 Super Shots (within Austria)

It has been so long ago when I last posted a tag entry…wow, years actually. Let me thank Mai of Budget Biyahera and Herbert of I am Hashified for tagging me in this meme, My 7 Super Shots. The idea is to post seven photos that fit a theme.

It took me longer to post not only since we’ve been always out…wandering, exploring and enjoying the city while it’s summer vacation but because it is not easy selecting from so many years of photos…That’s 10 years of photos accumulated in our archives starting from when we were still using a P&S Olympus C100. (Glad that I don’t have to scan photos taken with my reliable SLR, Canon T60, lol).

To make things easier, I selected photos taken within our country of residence now, Austria. Most of these have been featured a lot of times in my other blogs. Pardon me for being repetitive but if my muse won’t go lazy this weekend, I’d probably post another set with photos taken from places we’ve been to…so here goes…


A photo that:

Takes My Breath Away

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View of Salzburg from the fortress atop a mountain. (Canon Eos 5D, July 2012)

One of the occurrences I await to take beautiful photos of would be the moment just when the rain has stopped. That’s when the sky’s lighting would be the most dramatic. That was why I was the usual trigger-happy me when we climbed up the Hohensalzburg Castle, a fortress at Salzburg’s Festungsberg. I stood there for a relatively long time just taking photos and seizing that fleeting moment to fill my memory with wonderful images.


Makes Me Smile

fruits and kids
My kids, a shot for a magazine article. (Sony Cybershot F717, Sept 2007)

Again, another of my most used photos, not just as a featured image on my blogs, this photo of my kids has been published in a parenting magazine, featured on TV and has even been used by a furniture store for their delivery truck! :/ (That’s Western and Sanyo but I really don’t know which of them “stole” this photo and used it without my permission.) 

I smile whenever I see how candid my kids were on this shot that I had a  big copy printed and hanged on our dining wall.

Photographing kids has been my favorite since kids always have the most genuine expression to show.

 Makes Me Dream

Cherry tree springing. (Canons Eos 300d, April 2010)

If I would be given the chance to choose where I would live, I’d pick Japan. A japanophile nonetheless, I’d eat, look, walk and talk like a Japanese if I could. I would eat the freshest sushi and sashimi, unagi, fugu, uni and other exotic food the Land of the rising sun has to offer. I would want to go up Fujiyama and the Tokyo Tower too. If not too much, I’d go cosplaying in Harajuku too, teehee! I’d certainly visit Hello Kitty in Puroland and buy lenses at Akihabara.

Hanami (flower viewing) is one of the many activities I would want to do too. The sakura (cherry blossoms) have always fascinated me especially because the type that do not bear fruit, they only blossom as their main purpose is to be beautiful. The cherry blossoms symbolizes the life of a samurai (being short-lived as does the blossoms).

Makes Me Think

Wasserpark in spring. (Canon Eos 400d, April 2010)


Psalm 91:1 The heavens are declaring the glory of God;
And of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.

I’ve always been a believer and I hold the bible as truth, though back then I was naive as to what it really wants me to know, I’m thankful that I learned the truth that has set me free even if it was later on in life. Better late than never, goes the cliche. Whenever I look at this photo, or any other photo that is though painted by God’s hands I know that behind this wonderful work of canvas is a Master Creator. I believe too in the promise of Paradise where there’s no more tears, mourning, pain and even death (Revelation 21:4, Matthew 5:5) and when those who have slept in the grave will hear God’s voice and be alive (John 5:28). Promises I look forward to seeing fulfilled.

Makes My Mouth Water

sushi lovely
I can eat these 24/7! (Canon Eos 7D, March 2011)

Among the theme, this is the most difficult one. I can’t choose which to feature as I have so many favorite food. As mentioned above, Japanese cuisine is on top of my list. I’ve been choosing between photos of this sushi set, unagi sushi and a meal of unagi no kabayaki…Now I think I really have to make another post! ^_^ To view more foodporn photos please visit my food blog, thanks!

Tells a Story

water and kids
My niece and my daughter. (Canon Eos 7D, April 2011)

I’m going literal on this one. My daughter has always been with her 2 brothers at home and I think she truly misses the company of girl friends. That’s why whenever there’s a chance, we’d meet up with her cousin and I allow her to sleep over at her best friend’s place, the parents happen to be my close friends too. When with them, she would talk, tell stories of what had happened the past days or months they haven’t seen each other.

Unknown to the two I was shooting behind them while we were at the Wasserpark. What girltalk they’re having, I really have no idea of…come the time when my daughter is older, I hope she’d tell me stories too and not keep secrets.


 I Am Most Proud Of (a.k.a. my worthy of National Geographic shot…not!)

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Danube at sunset. (Sony Cybershot F505v, October 2004)

No, this is probably not the best photo for this theme but notice the caption. This photo was taken in 2004 and with a point and shoot camera. Why did I pick this one? Because given the circumstances I never thought that this photo would be chosen by a newspaper back then. It may not be as stunning but I really love the ripples that the ducks created.

Thus ends my 7 Super Shots (for Austria)…It was fun going through my photos and deciding with the help of hubby and friends: Gene, Stef, Che, Herbert, even my kids which ones to feature. I don’t have anyone to tag but it would be really nice to see your shots too and join as I am taking part of HostelBookers 7 Super Shots! (#7SuperShots) Do join the fun and let me know about your post by leaving a comment. Guten Tag!

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