Car Story #1


(Getting lost in Nürnberg, August 2011)

If my hobby is to take photos of every corner, windows and potted flowers, parked bicycles and musicians in the streets- my hubby takes photos of cars, all different models and colors. I think it is but natural since back home he has a car that he would often tend to, making sure everything is going well. I can’t remember the particular model now but it wasn’t really that new though it’s not as hippie as the one below. Teehee! I think he saw both cars at the same street, can’t really remember but there were lots of colorful cars around Nürnberg anyway.

Whatever the make or the color, I’d bet that all cars need compressor oil to protect them against rust, oxidation and foam development. It means, not only the outside should look good, the inside should be of good condition too! Like I know a lot about cars…I don’t! I can’t tell what’s a volt regulator, an air compressor filter, a fuel gauge and so on from one another. Heck, I don’t even know how to drive…well I do, I just should go forward – no lefts and rights. lol.

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