Wednesday Window #9 – Walls and Beyond

Wednesday Window #9 – Walls and Beyond

Congratulations to Arlene for being our last week’s winner! Join us today and win 5$ (sent to your paypal account).

I think Nuremberg rivals Venice for the title “City of Windows…and passageways” while Venice still holds the title of “City of Bridges.” This stone passageway and cobblestones were at Nuremberg’s wall. The wall runs 5 kilometers around the old town and most of it can be walked on…one can see how it served as a fortress during earlier times.

Wednesday Window #9 – Walls and Beyond
To infinity and beyond.

To join us, simply post a photo of a door or window and let us know where it was taken. Link up to this blog or put a badge which you can get here. Win 5$ too if you join this week!

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