Best Reasons to Visit Spain

Beach in Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain

Spain is one of the most beautiful and magnificent country in Europe. If you really wanted to have a vacation in Europe then you should write Spain first on your list.

Reasons why you should pick Spain for your vacation:

1. Spain is full of many tourist destinations that suit the tastes of every individual tourist including outdoor adventures, culture and urban lifestyle. If you want adventure, then visit Granada, Barcelona, and San Sebastian where you could have mountain climbing every morning, walk in the beach under the sun and go partying when night falls. Well if you love art then Spain is home of many magnificent works of art starting with iconic architectures, castle-hopping, and flamenco-dancing. Surely, Spain is a one- stop tourist destination. Why go for other countries if you could have it all in Spain.

Roman Theatre, Mérida

2. Witness the cultural traditions of Spain in which very popular in the entire world. On main cultural attraction of Spain is the flamenco dance, their traditional bullfighting, Sevillano dance, the Asturian bagpipe music and the feria. Though you can see many flamenco dancers in the entire Spain, if you want to experience authentic flamenco then you should go to Granada and visit their gypsy quarters or go to the caves in beautiful Seville (and be inspired and enchanted). Many tourist around the world want to witness the their breathtaking bullfights that has  gained its popularity worldwide.

3. Spain has a very colorful history which you could see in the characteristics of their architectures – from Roman Empire, Muslim vanquisher and up to the Spanish Civil War. If you walk around the streets of Spain you will see the many evidences of the story of Spain. When you are in Spain you should visit the Cathedral de Toledo where you can see the testimonies of Spain’s religious past. You will be amazed by the beauty of  Palacio Real de Madrid because of its beautiful carvings and awesome architectural styles.

4. The festival in Spain is really amazing. Most tourists visit Spain because of their festivals like La Tomatina in Buñol. This is a food festival in which the main event is the tomato fight. Another unique festival is the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona where they are letting the bulls to run along the streets. There are lot more festivals in Spain that will surely enjoy.


Palacio Real de Madrid
Palacio Real de Madrid/Royal Palace of Madrid viewed from Sabatini gardens

5. Spanish foods taste great, healthy and diverse. If you are really looking for food trip then you better check out the foods in Spain. Spain is home for the best cuisine in the world.

6. Spain is considered to be the most popular ‘sun and sand destination‘ in Europe. If you love beaches then visit the world famous Costa del Sol and the beaches of Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and Costa Blanca.

Aside from the reasons stated above, Spain is also gifted by many mountains that would surely entice every outdoor enthusiasts to climb them. You can also engage in water sports such as kite-boarding, surfing, and kayaking. There are lot more to discover about Spain.

This is a guest post from contributing author Arindom Chanda. Arindom is writing for Daily Chump. Daily Chump is an online portal for health and wellness news.

Barcelona fontains
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9 thoughts on “Best Reasons to Visit Spain

  1. I have never considered visiting Spain before, but now it has moved to the top of my list! This was a great article and beautiful pictures!

  2. My ancestors came from Spain and visiting there has been on my bucket list for many years. We were going to go on vacation unfortunately my husband was diagnosed with cancer and passed away and the trip was cancelled. I will continue to save towards the trip and perhaps I will be able to go in a couple of years.

  3. Ooh, that is a lovely picture. I really want to visit Costa Rica, but I think I’ll have to add Spain to my list of countries to travel too as well!

  4. Spain is definitely on my travel wishlist. I’d love to on a gastronomical and historical sites tour there. I will be adding some of your suggestions to the details of my wishlist. Thanks!

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